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Community Life


If there is a key to making the most of “the Mullen Experience,” it is to get involved! 
Over 90 percent of Mullen students participate in at least one extracurricular activity throughout the year. Find the activities that best suit you and discover what we mean when we say,


Due to the fluid nature of clubs, the below list is not exhaustive. At any time, students who wish to create and maintain a club should speak with Director of Lasallian Student Life for approval and instruction.


List of 2 items.

Student Organizations

List of 22 items.

List of 26 items.

  • Lasallian Youth

    Faith Service Community. Meetings Every Tuesday at lunch in the S41.

    Lasallian Youth is open to all students. It offers the student a variety of opportunities to minister to the economically poor through direct service and education in the spirit of St. John Baptist De LaSalle. Lasallian Youth assist in building a faith-filled community at Mullen High School. Activities include prayer, projects that help keep community awareness of our Lasallian heritage, a safe Halloween for children, collecting for Thanksgiving food drives, and a Christmas adopt-a-family program. Students help with serving meals to the marginalize senior homeless in the Denver area. Lasalian Youth also works with our sister school in Meki to help raise money for their educational needs.
    Moderators:  Katie Abeyta & Christa Brainard
  • Latin Club

    Latin Club is an organization for Latin students to join and discover more about ancient cultures and languages. Students participate in several activities, including frequent meetings, competitions and field trips to the local junior Classical League chapter events in Boulder and Estes Park (more information at http://coloradojcl.org). Students also promote the awareness of ancient cultures by sponsoring events for the student body to attend. Torch award available.
    Moderator: Amanda Sherpe
  • Mock Trial

    Moderator: Tammy Christensen
  • Model UN

    Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more.
    Moderator: Liz Castellano '05 & James Gordon
  • Movie Appreciation Club

    Moderator: Conor O'Rourke
  • Mullen Minecrafters

    Moderator: Mike McGuire
  • National Computer Science Honor Society

    Moderator: Cecilia Brear
  • National French Honor Society

    Moderator: Florence Sutter
  • National Honor Society

    The Mullen Chapter of the National Honor Society is an organization that promotes recognition of students for outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership and service. The society meets throughout the school year and participates in various community service projects. Each year the society elects four officers who serve in leadership roles during the school year. Students will be invited by NHS moderators at the end of their sophomore year.
    Moderators: Liz Castellano '05 & Katie Abeyta '06
  • National Latin Honor Society

    This is a prestigious organization that honors students' academic achievement and good citizenship. Students must be enrolled in Latin, be a member of the Latin Club and receive an A in two consecutive semesters of their Latin classes. These fine students offer services such as Latin tutoring, meriting the highest status and recognition by Mullen High School's Latin program. Induction is every spring and must be renewed yearly. These students will be invited to participate in the World Languages Honor Society and organize activities for the student body. Torch award available.
    Moderator: Amanda Sherpe
  • National Math Honor Society

    National Math Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, is dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school.
    Moderator: Marjorie Ader & Pam Paulus
  • National Music Honor Society

    Moderator: Heather Davis
  • National Social Studies Honor Society

    The National Social Studies Honor Society strives to:
    • To promote scholarship and to recognize academic excellence in social studies among high school students.
    • To provide opportunities for exploration in the social studies in the school environment and the community.
    • To encourage interest in, understanding, and appreciation for the social studies.
    Moderator: Tim DeNezza & Katie Schneringer
  • National Spanish Honor Society

    Moderator: Mica Boh
  • Pastoral Life Club

    Moderator: Doug Brummel
  • Peers Over Politics

    Moderator: Tammy Christensen
  • Puppy Club

    Moderator: Annemarie Roberts
  • Respecting Life (Students for Life)

    Moderators: Megan Sokol & Dominique Fresquez
  • Robotics Team

    Coaches: Chantal & Chris Gemperline
  • Sacred Sounds

    This group is composed of students and faculty members who plan and provide vocal and instrumental music at all school Masses, prayer services, and other special events. The ensemble is comprised of vocalists, guitars, keyboard, hand drums, and other instruments as needed or interested. Regularly meeting on Mondays to prepare for all events coming up, this music group explores different methods and styles used to pray through song. All talent and ability levels are welcomed and encouraged to join!
    Moderator: Heather Davis
  • Sign Language Club

    Moderator: Kimberly Elste
  • Speech and Debate Team

    Debating, Acting, Voicing Opinions! Mullen High School Speech and Debate students demonstrate their communication, research and extensive critical thinking skills throughout Colorado and across the country as members of the National Forensic League. They challenge themselves and others to support their opinions with clear, concise and well supported statements. They show their incredible knowledge and creativity through the presentation of their ideas and with their interpretive skills in 11 competitive events.
    Moderator: Michelle Swanson
  • Student Ambassadors

  • Student Council

  • Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.)

    S.A.D.D. is the Mullen Chapter of a national organization that promotes healthy life choices for young people. We promote drug and alcohol-free students, as well as safe driving, awareness of the dangers of eating disorders, suicide prevention, and safety on dates.
  • Theatre Club

    Moderator: Roger Winn